School for Sonic Memory – week in Alexandria
Alexandria – 6th and 13th of February 2022
As part of the “(Re)activating Common Urban Imaginaries” project, Theatrum Mundi and Onassis Stegi are producing a pluri-disciplinary nomadic residency program exploring sound, memory and trans-Mediterranean resonances called the School for Sonic Memory. Together, and in collaboration with local artists, urbanists and researchers, six nomadic artists will form a ‘school’ for sonic memory, investigating the ways that three cities across the Mediterranean resonate with one another, and how elements of a connected and conflictual past are made audible within Athens, Alexandria and Marseille.
Following the successful residency week in Athens, the nomadic residents will have the chance to further explore the themes of circulation, migration, water, and shared Mediterranean resonances and mythologies in Alexandria, the second stop of the itinerant residency. From listening sessions that explore community radios and iskandarani folk rhythms to an in-depth presentation of the hydraulic system in Alexandria, the artists will get to delve deeper into some of the lesser-known aspects of these Mediterranean routes.
The Alexandria residency will take place between the 6th and 13th of February 2022, curated by Andrea Cetrulo and John Bingham-Hall of Theatrum Mundi in collaboration with local curator Sarah Bahgat, and produced by B’Sarya art space with the support of the French Institute in Alexandria. The participants will be a group of local and nomadic residents including archivist and photographer Yasmine Hussein, sound artist Ahmed Saleh, architect Mohamed Adel Dessouki, among others.