Sarah Bahgat
Alexandria, Egypt
Sarah Bahgat is a Cairo-based cultural manager with extensive experience in the fields of film, literature, visual arts and music. While curating the public programs at Egypt’s flagship art institution Townhouse Gallery (2014-2018), she initiated the Townhouse Salons, a monthly series of literary conversations held with artists, writers, cultural historians and critics.
Following that period and over the past three years, Sarah was working as a project manager at the arts and culture unit of the Danish-Egyptian Dialogue Initiative (DEDI), an intergovernmental organisation established to promote cross-cultural exchanges between Egypt and Denmark. Her position as a film programmer at the Netherlands- Flemish Institute in Cairo (NVIC) allowed her to pursue her passion for independent audio-visual productions.
Sarah is coordinating both Caravan and School for Sonic Memory residencies in Alexandria, introducing our resident artists to the dynamics and chalenges of the local cultural scene.