Universiteit Leiden

The research group Classical and Mediterranean Archaeology at Leiden University concentrates on new synergies developing in the Ancient World due to processes of connectivity, including cultural and imperial expansion, roughly in the period between 500 BC – AD 500. Leiden University studies these processes on different scales (local, regional and Eurasian/global) within a geographical space covering Europe, Asia and Africa, and through different techniques. Their successes in obtaining grants makes Leiden Classical & Mediterranean Archaeology into a vibrant research group with many international PhDs and PostDocs.
Within the framework of the project, Leiden University’s research group will organize two workshops at the Faculty of Archaeology in Leiden (in collaboration with the National Museum of Antiquities) on Hellenistic-Roman globalization processes, cultural innovation, material culture and identity, and the impact of objects. In these workshops, Leiden University will explore how 2nd/1st c. BCE Alexandria can function as a ‘laboratory’ for our critical rethinking of similar issues in contemporary society.
The Faculty of Archeology will also contribute to the overall content of the project outcomes and to the communication and dissemination activities with an emphasis with its contacts in the heritage and scientific networks and professionals.